plant grass in Arizona

When Should You Plant Grass in Arizona?

When Should You Plant Grass in Arizona?

As with most plants, grass needs to get planted at the correct time of the year to grow its best. Arizona’s weather varies significantly from one area to another, so you’ll need to understand the climate in your area before deciding on which variety of grass seeds to grow. This fact remains especially true, depending upon whether you live in the mountains of Arizona or the lower desert regions. If you live in Phoenix, the grass type you choose will differ from the ones selected elsewhere in the state.

The two main varieties include grass that grows well in the summer and grass that prefers to grow during the winter. You’ll need to decide the variety of grass that grows best in your type of soil. Your landscaper or regular lawn service will certainly make recommendations, but you should be aware of which varieties work best in our climate.

Choosing Which Grass to Plant in Phoenix, AZ

Warm Season Grasses

A few types of grass work well in Arizona, and more specifically, in the Phoenix area. Grasses to plant that tolerate heat well include:

  • Bermuda-type grasses like Midiron and Tifway.
  • Palmetto St. Augustine, or St. Augustine grass.
  • Zoysia grass.

These grasses stand the test of time for dealing well with heat and work great in Phoenix.

Cool Season Grass for Phoenix

You’ll also need to plant cool-season grasses. These types of grass enable your lawn to look good even when the weather cools. A few cool-season kinds of grass for the Phoenix area include:

  • Kentucky bluegrass.
  • Perennial ryegrass.
  • Tall fescue.

Caring for Your Lawn in ArizonaWhen to Plant Grass in Arizona

Since you have two seasonal grasses, you’ll plant twice a year as needed. For example, Bermuda grass gets planted in the early spring to grow before the heat sets in. It should have time to reach a good height before the temperatures are soaring. You want to plant before the ryegrass dies off, and you want to plant before temperatures are 80 degrees or more on a regular basis.

Ryegrass should get planted in the fall for a green lawn in the winter. It goes dormant during the high temperatures of summer. To decide when to plant ryegrass, wait for fall weather to cool off to 70 degrees or less. Once that happens, you can put your grass seed in. It should have time to grow before any real cold weather sets in.

Planting two varieties of grass that include both hot weather and cooler weather varieties keep your lawn in Phoenix looking great all year around.

Caring for Your Lawn in Arizona

Once planted, the grass sprouts quickly. One of the most crucial factors for creating a beautiful lawn in the Phoenix area is to keep your sprouting and newly grown grass watered routinely. Regularly watered grass seed has much higher germination and growth rate than do irregularly watered seeds.

Nobody has the time to concentrate on keeping their budding lawn watered all day and all night. The best way to achieve a regularly watered garden is to have an excellent sprinkler system installed before planting your grass.

Sprinkler Doctors offers complete installation for your lawn growing and landscaping needs. Our systems also have timers that allow for regular watering, even if you’re not home to water. Or perhaps you have a sprinkler system, but it doesn’t work correctly. Our service technicians can get your sprinkler system up and running quickly and efficiently. Before you know it, you’ll have the greenest, healthiest lawn in the neighborhood.

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