Irrigation Repair Arizona

Is Your Irrigation System Damaged or Is It Malfunctioning?

Even the highest quality irrigation systems will eventually succumb to wear and tear. When something breaks, you’ll need a service for irrigation repair Arizona that can find and address the problem promptly.

Damage or Malfunction: Signs You Need Sprinkler Repair

What’s wrong with your system? Why does it need irrigation repair Arizona?  There are a number of possibilities. These include:

  • A sprinkler head has become clogged.
  • A pipe is leaking underground.
  • The pressurization is off, causing the sprinklers to lack sufficient force to move the water.
  • Your drip system is malfunctioning.
  • The timer has quit working.
  • The system is using too much water.
  • The driveway or side of the house is getting wet while plants are thirsty.
  • And more!

Preventing Damage

While no one can escape a sprinkler repair every now and again, there are plenty of things you can do to make sure problems are few and far between.

  • Scheduled maintenance: Having minor adjustments, cleanings and tiny repairs done a few times a year can help prevent the major, expensive problems from forming.
  • Proper Working Order: Little details like making sure your sprinkler heads sit low enough to not be kicked by passersby can make a big difference in repair needs. Fix any little problems you know about before they can balloon.
  • Don’t Mix Brands Unless You Have To: If you’re planning to install a new leg of irrigation line, try to stick to the same brand and type of irrigation. It can prevent mix ups, ill fits between fixtures and others concerns that lead to problems down the road.
  • Troubleshoot: If you think you spot a problem, don’t hesitate to look for a company that provides troubleshooting. You’ll be able to see whether your concern has merit in a matter of minutes.

Irrigation systems are complicated, but we know what it takes to set them right. If you need irrigation repair Phoenix area, contact us today.

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