
Average Rainfall in Phoenix

What is the average rainfall in Phoenix?

As you can see from this chart, the number of rainy days per month is very small. The maximum number is 6. However, to call these “rainy days” may not be accurate. It is more likely that there are periods of rain on an otherwise sunny day. Furthermore, the amount of rain that falls is very low. The maximum is about 5 inches in August, but most months see an inch or less. The actual rainy season is in the winter when about four inches fall each month.

Blue: Average Rainfall in Inches
Red: Number of Rainy Days



Average Temperatures in Phoenix (Fahrenheit)

Phoenix is in a desert, and the temperatures demonstrate this, especially in the summer months. It is not unheard of to reach 106 degrees or higher. On the other hand the 60-degree and 70-degree weather of the winter months is definitely a reason that many people leave snowy climates and come to the Valley of the Sun. Find today’s weather.

Blue: Average Highs
Red: Average Lows


Average Sunny Days vs Rainy Days in Phoenix

Most days in Phoenix are sunny. Rainfall only occurs about 36 days out of the year. Since the amount of rain is low, you can’t expect the rainfall to last all day. On the other hand, that’s more time to spend outdoors enjoying the sports you love.

Blue = 36 days with rain
Red = 329 days of 100% sunshine


pie chart

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